Eidophusikon - Earth Art

In the early stage we try to dig in the uniqueness of the site. Since the field, the water and the sky altogether form this marvelous environment, the question really becomes how we incorporate those beautiful elements into our work instead of making our massing further complicated. The cube with six faces is perfect for this idea. It’s pure, at the same time has potential to be deconstructed and redefined. While leaving corner to be solid to keep its clean shape, the visitor will try to capture the boundary of the reflective mirage and the reality when observe this installation. At the end arousing the curiosity to the inside.

The core of the installation is the space where people can enter into and immersed themselves in the surrounded reflective sky. The EIDOPHUSIKON refers to the small mechanical theater created by English actor and French painter Loutherbourg. Inspired by the essence of this art form, we intend to explore the potential of this 7m*7m box and want to convey the idea that the outer surrounded world (sky, filed, trees and buildings) is possible to be perceived within this tiny cube.

With the assistance of the wireless acoustic devices, we can improve the immersive experience for arrivals. The sounds can be collected through the recorders separated in different regions of the site: farm, water pond, woods and streets. Those natural sounds will be uploaded into the cloud drive afterwards and send out to the receiving devices installed in the corner of the art piece. Since the inner space of the core is pure without any disturbance, the sense of hearing will be exaggerated and even tiny sounds can be easily detected. With the help of playing those sounds, people will be stimulated to explore this space and begin to understand the relationship between this art piece and the surrounding nature.

Client: Qionglai Tourism Investment Group
Collaborate Team: Wenqi Huang, Mostafa Akbari