Art Prison - Gallery Hotel

By engaging with the site condition and orientation, we decided to create a new connection between castle on top of mountain and island living below it. The giant steps reorientates the direction of the walking path and also use the original pathway to initiate a double experience of hiking, in both outside with nature and inside with art. Visitors will be guided by this multi-directed experience and pass through the castle to hotel area in the back. The new walk path integrated with art gallery as the iconic part of the design, and the Hotel remained to submerge with the landscape. 

Besides, inside of the walking path is dressed by the local quarry stone sheeting, and against the concrete in behind; this is another layer of interpretation of our design relate to the historical civilization in Favignana Island.

Client: Agenzia Del Demanio (Italy State Property Agency)

Collaborate Team: Dazhong Yi, Wenqi Huang, Ziyi Tang